Sunday, 2 November 2014

HTML and web design help

HTML and web design help

Quick links

Recommended HTML

Below is a listing of some of the HTML commands recommended to be reviewed first, if not already known.
A HREF - Creating a link to other pages.

BODY - Setting the looks of the web page.

BR -  Creating a line break.

IMG SRC - Creating an image.

META - Creating meta tags.

TITLE - Creating a title for a web page.

All additional HTML command can be found on our HTML commands section.

HTML overview

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a world wide markup language that allows a user to create his or her own web page. While HTML is a fairly easy to learn markup language, it does involve several hundred commands to learn and memorize.
With HTML, the user creates tags; tags are anything between the less-than and the greater-than signs. Using the tags, this identifies where the commands begin and end. For example, <b>Bold Text</b> tells the browser that <b> is the beginning of the bold text statement that will turn anything after that tag bold; once the browser hits </b> the browser then turns the bold text statement off, allowing for only specific text to be bold
On this page we have created a list of HTML commands, which can be used in web pages to change text, add different features, and apply other effects.

HTML commands

<!-- REMARK --> - HTML Tag that allows you to implement comments into your HTML Code, which would be hidden to the average browser.
<!-- This text Cannot be seen by the user unless the source is viewed. -->
<A> -HTML tag that allows aspects of your web page to be anchored, such as a link <A HREF= "Http://"> tag.
<A HREF="">Computer Hope</A>
<ABBREV> - New HTML tag available with HTML3.0 which allows you to abbreviate words on your web page automatically.
<ABBREV>Contained words will be abbreviated.</ABBREV>
<ACRONYM> - Like ABBREV, also a new command with HTML 3.0 that displays the text acronym when mouse is highlighted over text.
<ACRONYM TITLE="Free computer help and support">Computer Hope</ACRONYM>
Computer Hope
<ADDRESS> - Command that changes the format of the text to signify an address. This is used with e-mail addresses. However, can also be used for a street address.
<APPLET> - Command used with Netscape to implement a Java application into a web page.
<APPLET CODE="applet">Click here to see Java applet.</APPLET>
View COOL FEATURES to see Java applets.
Additional information:
To insert JavaScript into your web page you would use the <SCRIPT> tag.
<AREA> - Defines a section of an image that the user can click on. This allows you to have one image with multiple clickable links within it.
<AREA CORD="10,20,150,125" SHAPE=rect HREF="">. The CORD that is used in this example tells the computer where on the image the location for the link is when your mouse is over that CORD; then, if clicked, it will go to the web page. The SHAPE tells the browser the shape of the clickable area.
<map name="menu">
<AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="100,5,155,55" HREF="">
<img src="title.gif" usemap="#menu"><BR>

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