Thursday, 17 July 2014

How to Remove Your Profile Name and Picture in Facebook Sponsored Stories-Social Ads....

Mostly many people might have seen that Facebook is using our profile names/profile pictures in Sponsored stories like Social Ads or Third-party Ads.
So If you want to know about how to optout yourself or how to stop facebook from using your profile name/photo in facebook social ads then have a look at the below part.

Facebook gets most of its revenue from advertising only. 

Do you know that the usage of our profile pictures in social advertisments is legal? 

Yes, Facebook states its legal terms in their privacy policy about social advertisments as 
"We occasionally pair advertisements we serve with relevant information we have about you and your friends to make advertisements more interesting and more tailored to you and your friends. For example, if you connect with your favorite band’s page, we may display your name and profile photo next to an advertisement for that page that is displayed to your friends. We only share the personally identifiable information visible in the social ad with the friend who can see the ad."

It means your profile name and photo will be used in advertisements targeted at your friends, and vice versa but not on a national campaign. These sponsored stories can appear in your News Feed or on the right side of your homepage. May be it not be a problem for some people to have their profile names in facebook social ads but for some it does as they are more bothered about privacy.

In general the sponsored stories on facebook are of two categories called social ads and third party ads. Social Ads means when you like any pages, events or apps your profile name/picture will be used in ads.
Third-Party Ads means when you like any third-party apps or websites etc your profile name will be used on those sites by facebook plugins. 
How to remove your profile name/picture in Facebook Sponsored stories-Social Ads
How to Remove Your Profile Name and Picture in Facebook Sponsored Stories-Social Ads.

So if you want to stop facebook from using your name and photo in any kind of social ads or third-party ads, just follow these simple instructions written below,

Facebook Social Ads : 
To remove your profile name/picture in facebook social ads, Click Here.
The default setting for allowing ads will be 'Only my friends', So now change it from 'Only my friends' to 'No one' and click 'Save Changes'.

How to remove your profile name/picture in Facebook Sponsored stories-Social Ads

Now you wont be shown in any social ads of Pages, Events and Apps.

Facebook Third Party Sites : 

To remove your profile name/picture in  facebook third-party ads, Click Here .
How to remove your profile name/picture in Facebook Sponsored stories-Social Ads

The default setting for allowing ads will be 'Only my friends' , So now change it from 'Only my friends' to 'No one' and click 'Save Changes'.
Now you wont be shown in any social ads of third-party apps and websites.

Thats it. Now you have successfully removed your profile name/photo in facebook sponsored stories-social ads. One thing you should always remember is Facebook will never sell your information to any advertisers.
It actively enforces policies that will help to protect your experience with third-party apps and ad networks.

For more information you can check the official Help Center of Facebook about Ads info by Clicking hereI hope this post will be useful to you all,please help us to grow by sharing our site with your friends. 

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